
What Is Different In S/4HANA v ECC In Production & Capacity Planning

Wednesday, August 17, 2022
11:00 am
Sean Stokke
Sean Stokke

S/4HANA v ECC: What is different In Production & Capacity Planning

Regardless of whether you are anxious or excited for the changes awaiting you within S/4HANA, and particularly within the realm of FIORI, it is best to move forward knowing that although FIORI is in fact a more streamlined user experience, some of the tools you may be used to no longer exist, or at least not in the traditional sense. In this webinar we will explore the differences between ECC and S/4HANA from a production and capacity planning perspective.

If you are about to embark on your journey into S/4HANA, the good news is that most of the tools you use within GUI remain the same, the bad news is some are no longer part of the target architecture, and some of the tools you may be used to do not exist within FIORI without Advanced Planning.  During this webinar we will discuss the differences between ECC and S/4HANA from a production planning perspective, and highlight some of the advanced capabilities of the newly embedded Advanced Planning module.

  • Utilizing the tools you use today within ECC are still possible within S/4HANA, but some are limited to use within ECC only. We will highlight these key items that are no longer part of the target architecture for S/4HANA.
  • Looking beyond GUI into FIORI and the streamlined workspaces for planners.
  • Going beyond CM25 and traditional capacity leveling within ECC or S/4HANA GUI into the world of Advanced Planning, which is now embedded into S/4HANA.


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