Business Guide to Migrating Cost-Efficiently to S/4HANA

Moving to S/4HANA Is Essential

Digital Transformation with S/4HANA

Enable the Digital Transformation with S/4HANA

Ask different stakeholders what digital transformation means to their organization and you’ll come away with a multitude of definitions. Some will point to blockchain technology, machine learning, or virtual reality. Others will zero in on artificial intelligence, cloud computing, digital core, or data analytics.

From our experience, on average, companies utilize less than 25% of SAP’s integrated capabilities. They attempt  to  implement  different  sources  of  truth—pulling information out of SAP into siloed spreadsheets, running  manual and  disparate  planning  systems, and then reactively telling SAP what they did. Or they find themselves constantly firefighting instead of  managing  by  exception—acting  rapidly  and decisively  to  identify  and  fix  incorrect rules or processes,  behaviors  that  do  not  match  rules,  or bad data. Sadly, in our experience, one out of 10 companies don’t even understand what exceptions are, let alone manage by exception.

As digital transformational budgets across the board increase this year, a few things are clear: digital transformation goes beyond business intelligence and delivers transformative insights to every user, constituent and partner. It uses data, people, and enterprise assets in aggregated and unique ways that have previously never been possible. And perhaps most importantly, it maximizes the use of technologies, organizational structures and skills to quickly adapt to achieve desired business outcomes and possibly even change business models. The result is a faster and more proactive response to customer needs. And this agility leads to loyalty and growth.


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