
Top 5 Things We Can Do Now in SAP That Will Make Us an Agile Supply Chain

Wednesday, May 19, 2021
11:00 am
Kristie Bane
Kristie Bane

Change is real…Change is hard…and Change can be real hard.  Transforming our supply chain from resilient to agile requires a significant amount of change.  Fortunately, SAP has so much to offer us to support the journey. In this session, we will discuss five things that we can use to get the journey underway.  How can we make the best use of the tools available to enable effective and efficient decision making?  How do we promote harmonious across functions to align the plan to schedule to actual execution? How do we have the intelligence we need to weather the storm and capitalize on opportunities as they arise?

  • Understand how Exception Monitoring can take us from reacting to proactive management of the supply chain
  • Learn how to build agility be speeding the flow of relevant information across the supply chain
  • Explore the connection between quality master data and realistic plans that are actionable


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