
Supply Chain Relief: Proactive Production Planning During a Crisis

Thursday, April 2, 2020
1:30 pm
Sean Stokke
Sean Stokke

How can we adjust our production planning and scheduling to meet the changing needs of the crisis?

Having been through multiple hurricanes as a project portfolio planner, I can say with 100% certainty that there is no tougher exercise that having to design a catch-up plan after disaster disrupts the supply chain.  

Thankfully there are guidelines that your organization can follow to ensure you are getting back to your feet while managing customer expectations.  This is not a place anyone wishes to be, but unfortunately the grand majority of us have just been thrust into what amounts to a national natural disaster.  We all must unite and share our experiences 'weathering the storm' if are to come out on the other end with just a few bruises and hard lessons learned.

•  Rebaselining orders is a necessary evil
•  A catch-up plan is mandatory to manage order backlog
•  You will not make everyone happy, prioritize, over communicate, and follow the playbook

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