
What Is Different in S/4HANA v ECC?

Wednesday, March 16, 2022
11:00 am
David Carroll
Hosted by
David Carroll

This series is going to lay out the road ahead with how S/4HANA looks like in strategic sourcing, procurement, demand planners and supply planning teams. We will explore what has changed and what has not in these functional areas.

Many businesses are wondering what will be better with SAP's new S/4HANA system. During this this webinar series we're going to explore the differences are between S4/HANA v ECC in the areas of Enterprise Structure, Demand & Supply Planning, Production Planning and Procurement.

Change can be an intimidating prospect, particularly when it comes to moving from something you know, like your ECC system. Whether you are preparing to implement, migrate, or you’ve already gone live in S/4HANA, it is important to know the major differences so you can leverage the full capabilities of your investment.

  • Whether you are in Supply Chain, Operations User, or IT you will walk away knowing the key differences and capabilities available to you when moving from S4/HANA v ECC.
  • Understand how Fiori provides a refreshing user experience with embedded real-time analytics and real-time processing that helps organizations run simpler, faster and more efficient.


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