
Confidently Make a Promise to Your Customer and Keep It, Every Time

Wednesday, August 21, 2019
11:00 am
Marcia Koon
Marcia Koon

Key Points:
1.How On Time/In Full works with Sales Order ATP & MRP & Credit Management.
2. Why cross-functional collaboration and consensus is critical in preventing problems.
3. Understand the foundation of what needs to be in place to improve Service Levels and customer experience.

How mature is your customer’s experience?  Do your internal performance measures agree with their view of you as a supplier?  In many organizations, there is a functional disconnect between Sales/Customer Service teams and those involved in the actual Procurement/Production/Fulfillment of the materials being ordered.  As business becomes more competitive and pressures to raise revenues, reduce costs, increase efficiencies mount, it becomes more imperative that both sides of the extended supply chain come together as one team with a common goal – becoming a world-class preferred provider.  In other words the “supplier of choice”.  Join us to learn more about improving your customers’ experience by harnessing standard SAP Sales Order ATP and On Time/In Full capabilities to improve service levels, positively impact customer experience and increase Revenue.


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