MD04; MD05
Hidden Gems in The Stock Requirements List
=== Martin: [00:00:00] Martin here and welcome to the video service that unlocks and reveals the hidden value in your SAP system. So we know the best way to learn is by doing so, in this case, in this video in particular, we're going to explore the touchstone transaction for planners and buyers. It's called the stock requirements list. This transaction is so powerful because it's jumping off point for all planning, procurement and other related activities and it's all to date as of the moment you entered it and hit the refresh button. So we know it's real time, it's telling us what's going on in our supply chain. So Kristie, how about you share a little bit more about these specific details on the stock requirements list? Kristie: Hi, Martin, yes I think we should. There are so many great tools to make a planner or buyer's life easier that exist embedded in the workspace that's offered in MD04. I can't wait to walk you through a few of them. We're going to explore some of the options for how to set up your workspace. We'll hit on some of the places you can easily get to right from the stock requirements list, and I'll [00:01:00] highlight the periodic totals. We'll also talk about how those can be useful and we'll go into some of the options to dig deeper into the planning situation for discussion and decision making. Today will be the highlights and then we will have videos that will dive deeper into some of these features in detail. Let's get into it! Let's dig into some of these hidden gems in the stock requirements list. So you can see here, I am in MD04 and I've just pulled up a stock situation for this elephant phone holder in the color blue, and I'm just looking to see here what's happening with this material. And what I wanted to do today is point out some of the things that ~um,~ you may or may not be aware of in terms of how to set up your stock requirements list to meet your needs. The first is this overview tree. So as we're going through and we're navigating from material to material, this actually will build out the work list for us, it's like the breadcrumbs of where we have been. And if you've done something like gone through and searched for MRP elements or [00:02:00] exception messages from your exception monitor, you see your entire work list here. But if you're paying attention as you go through and you navigate from one plant to another or from one material to another, you'll actually see this continue to build out. And one of the things that's important to know is that there's actually additional information here that's just kind of sitting in the back in terms of descriptions and things. So you can actually control how much real estate this is taking up and where you would like this to sit. And where this becomes more important is if you're doing something like using the pegging report or the order report. So the order report tells you whether you have the necessary components to take this into production. The pegging report, as we've seen in other videos, actually shows what that supply element is meant to supply, so like a purchase requisition all the way through to the finished good. And you can see if it's pegging against your forecast or if it's pegging against a customer order or even a delivery. And there are a lot of different options up here in [00:03:00] terms of how you can choose to display your fields and your sequence. So you can actually come in here and decide what fields you would like to have show and then what sequence you would like to have them appear on, so that's really nice. And if you come up to settings at the top and then go to settings, this is where we actually can control the way that we would like this to display. So if you see down here, overview, tree for materials, and the order report, we can control whether this is going to be positioned at the left, which is what we're most used to seeing, or at the top, and then also what percentage of our screen it is allowed to take up, and then whether the overview tree is going to be displayed automatically or not. So those are some really good options in terms of customizing exactly how you would like your MD04 or MD05 screen to look. And one of the things I will say is that when you're doing something like using the order report, you have a lot more information, so you may want to have that up on the [00:04:00] top so that it's actually stacked on top of your stock requirements list. So as you're trying to work with these different features, this is a good place to come, again, under settings, to see ~What is, uh,~ what is happening there? And then also, as you're going through, you'll see that there are different settings that will control the way that you will see ~um,~ groupings set, if you're going to see some aggregation or non aggregation, if you have the cross plant view in place, if you want to see stock transfers there or not. And then also in your periodic total, so you've got individual line displays, but you can also control periodic totals displays in weeks, months, or even based on a planning calendar. So lots of good stuff there that you can play with. In terms of dates, you can choose your default on whether it's going to show the availability date, so when that is meant to be available on shelf for use, versus your goods receipt date, which is the date it is meant to arrive to you, and that is ignoring the additional goods receipt processing time that needs to happen before it's available. And it's very helpful to be able [00:05:00] to toggle back and forth, so this actually will help you to be able to quickly make decisions on the fly ~so Um,~ if you're able to evaluate whether your supplier is past due or manufacturing is past due based on toggling back and forth between availability date and goods received date. Same thing down here for safety time, so if you have a temporary situation that's causing you to bring in material early, so your supplier lead time or your manufacturing lead time is X number of days, but you're actually offsetting the requirements, so it comes in a bit early. You can choose whether you're seeing when that safety time is coming into play or if you want to see when it actually is going to ~um,~ align ~with this,~ with this demand plan. Okay, and then also you can insert the line that will show the end of the total replenishment lead time , which is also very helpful, so your stated lead time, and this actually is super helpful for customer service or anyone who is supporting on the demand side of the house, so that you have an idea of what the stated lead time is. And then lastly here, I'm going to flip over to the general settings, and this is also very important, this is where you assign things like your [00:06:00] order report profile, the checking rule you're going to be using as you're going through and you're evaluating the availability, and then also your navigation profile. And we have another video on this where we go through and we explain all the different options for navigation profiles, but that's what gives you these hot keys or the buttons at the top that allow you to navigate. So lots of really good stuff here in terms of being able to customize the way that this is going to look and feel. The other thing is you have, of course, your period totals, and by clicking on this you can actually get out of the weeds a little bit and look to see what your plans look like at ~you know,~ maybe a week or monthly level. So you can go, okay, so for week 10 we still have 4 units remaining to sell and no requirements currently pegged in that week. The following week we have 5 units remaining to sell and we have 20 requirements already in hand. ~So, and ~That could be a combination ~um,~ between order reservations and sales orders or stock transfer orders, anything that falls in the category of firm demand that's part of your demand program. Then if you have receipts coming in, you'll see those here, [00:07:00] and sometimes it's really helpful to get in here and look at this at a periodic total so you can get an idea quickly if someone asks you, you know, when's the next time you can take an order or what's your next recovery period, you can get a good idea of how you're looking in terms of coverage and what's available to you. The other thing to highlight is that because this is a cockpit transaction, you have so many options of where you can navigate from here. So, if you come in here, you can go under Goto, and you'll see that you can navigate to things like MMBE for stock statistics, or you can go into the sales statistics to look at ~um,~ what orders you have out there and open, you could evaluate your capacity situation and many, many other options. You can also come in here and go into your ATP Quantities or your Total Requirements Display to see how that demand plan is stacking up and it's pegging against materials. You can also come in here and go directly into the material master and of course you can get there also by double clicking on the material. So lots and lots of good information. And lastly, I think most folks are aware of this, but let me just highlight it for you. If you click on the header details, we can actually go in and [00:08:00] see much of the master data that's sitting in the material master, well organized in a way that makes sense. We can quickly go through and evaluate and make some decisions ~um,~ based on the information that's here. It gives us a lot of really good stats and information for what is happening with this particular material. We're able to organize this data in a way that makes sense and actually save ~um,~ that information. And the same goes here for ~in~ your ~actual, um,~ stock requirements list. You can actually control the order in which you'd like to see these columns and save that as well as control things like the width. Also, some of your columns may be hidden, so you have your opening date, your start or your release date, very, very important ~for, um,~ when you need to get orders out, and then of course your rescheduling date so if you have an exception message, it's going to do the math and tell you how many you need and by when you need them, so that date will appear here as well. If these columns don't show for you, what you'll see is that you'll have a little double line arrow, and if I close this you'll be able to see it, let me do that for you, and then what you have to do is actually [00:09:00] see the double line and then you can expand it out so that you're able to reveal that hidden column and start making use of that in your day to day, and then you use this over here to actually go through and save those settings. ~So,~ So many good little hidden gems and nuggets that are available to us right from the stock requirements list, and this was just a quick tour about the tip of the iceberg, but so many good things here to help us make sure that we have a good customized environment that is providing for exactly what we need without hiding anything and allowing us to be able to organize our workspace in a way that makes sense. Whew! That has been the whirlwind tour of some of the hidden gems or underutilized features that are embedded in or associated with the stock requirements list. We saw options for shaping how our workspace is oriented. Some of the more interesting tools to support our discussions and problem solving in the room or in meetings. And we saw loads of places that we can get to from [00:10:00] navigating right from that home base, the stock requirements list. Now, it is important to note that most of these features are also available from the MRP list as well, and we've chosen to focus on this from the perspective of the stock requirements list today because of its dynamic nature and availability for all materials. There is so much more here to explore. Over to you, Martin. Martin: I like these little tours, Kristie. Man this is powerful stuff. I look forward to exploring some of these features in other videos, and I hope that it generates a lot of curiosity and discussion for MRP controllers, planners, etc. These nuggets are just perfect for what we need to be doing here in this particular video series. So, once again, if you have particular questions, please submit them below , and please go and explore all the other videos we have in our catalog.