
SAP Global Batch Traceability (GBT) Implementation with S/4HANA


Johnsonville is the No. 1 national brand of brats, Italian sausage, smoked-cooked links, fresh breakfast sausage links and summer sausage. Johnsonville is headquartered in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin with manufacturing facilities in Wisconsin, Illinois, Kansas and Singapore.  Johnsonville products are available in all 50 states and in 30 additional countries, including Japan, China, France, Mexico and Canada.


Provide Johnsonville team members the ability to perform batch recalls in 2 hours or less, reduce the number of transactions needed to perform a recall by 30% and quickly provide real-time data to look up and retrieve the information contained within their SAP S/4 HANA system. In addition, provide the necessary information and visibility to make meaningful and timely decisions regarding tracking and tracing of input materials, batch processes, and finished products throughout manufacturing operations and post-production supply chain activities.


Working closely with Johnsonville BPOs, IT and management deployed Reveal’s oVo® methodology to implement SAP Global Batch Traceability (GBT) within the existing SAP S/4 HANA landscape:

  • Assess: Two-week, on-site assessment workshops and GBT demonstrations to develop “to-be” processes and functionality, define scope, develop implementation blueprint, establish project timeline, budget and resource requirements, and produce project plan. Developed detailed functional and technical design documents.
  • Transform: Working with client development team, configured the system, designed and developed RICEF tasks, established best practice processes and strategies and conducted tests. Project scope included batch recalls and analyzing complete genealogy for both upstream and downstream impacted batches and objects (batches/ handling units). In addition, the ability to track materials from goods receipt thru manufacturing, rework, and shipping. The solution also included searching products using various criteria including handling unit, vendor lot, batches and production lines used. Built reports using mostly standard GBT functionality to provide visibility across the supply chain. Assisted with user education, master data loads and validation processes.
  • Sustain: Provided support for final testing, last minute reporting to meet business requirements and Go-Live activities.


  • Ability to perform a batch recall in 2 hours
  • Search multiple batches against various material types: raw, work-in-process, by-products, rework, and finished good materials
  • Visibility to the received quantity, on hand inventory, consumption, and shipment details of the materials being reviewed.
  • Track rework through manufacturing processes (Created rework and consumed rework)
  • Search a product using a handling unit, vendor lot, batch and/or production line.
  • Track a pallet of Finished Goods from manufacturing to final shipping destination
  • Enable users to view top-down and bottom-up batch usage in single report
  • Track materials through a multi-level bill of material
  • Link vendor lot (batch) to SAP batch
  • Ability to run “Where Used” reporting on handling unit using drill down functionality
  • Ability to view batch quantities in alternative Unit of Measure

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