Philippines Give Back

Community Philippines Team

Philippines Give Back

Giving Back is the heart of our organization’s values. In the spirit of serving and helping others, each year our team travels to the Philippines to assist the local street children in support of our friends at Frontline Ministries.

In January 2019, after wrapping up Reveals 2018 Fiscal year we donated a significant portion of our “Give Back” commitments to building the new school in the Philippines.  This is a key strategy in breaking the cycle of poverty in the Philippines.  The vision of Face the Children (a Frontline Ministry program) is to give abandoned or abused children an opportunity for a life of dignity, love, education, and opportunity.

July 2018, as one Reveal team is heading back to the USA, another is about to leave. Our team is all packed and ready to head out to serve the street children of the Philippines and support our friends at Frontline Ministries. This year, we have Sean, Jeff, Jenny, Holly, Kelly, Emma, Beth, Chris, Jesse, Max, Megan, Kayla, and Martin on board and ready to serve those in need!

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The updates posted on this page are direct from our team in the Philippines! Be sure to check this page frequently for photos, videos, and insights of this Giveback! Stories and photos from the Community Christian Church/Philippine Frontline Ministries mission trip.


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