DuPage Pads Solutions to End Homelessness

DuPage Pads’ mission is to end homelessness in DuPage County.

Marcia Koon
DuPage Pads Solutions to End Homelessness

DuPage Pads’ mission is to end homelessness in DuPage County.  “DuPage Pads help clients become self-sufficient and find them a home. Case managers teach clients to believe in themselves through learned skills. DuPage Pads help each individual know they are valued even when they think they are not. More than simply a providing a pad and a meal, but a chance at self-sufficiency and pride in supporting themselves.”

An employee of Reveal has been working with this organization for many years, she spends her time preparing delicious meals for DuPage Pads’ every month and making a difference in these people’s lives. This woman is truly an Angel to these people and this organization. Reveal is so happy to be able to support her in her mission.

“There but for the Grace of God go any of us.”  Any number of life events can culminate in homelessness – not just the stereotypical causes most people tend to think of: substance abuse, lazy, mentally ill, scam artists, causes most…  You know, “Squeegee People”.  They are all human beings.  Who are we to say that, having once walked in their shoes, we would have fared any better?  Would we have still, even though destitute of life’s basic necessities, reached out to help another person in need or shared whatever we could?  I once saw a quote that said: “It is a great thing to do small things well.”

“I learned it’s not always about money.  Sometimes it’s about shared talents, knowledge, ideas or just another person who listens, cares and understands.  Maybe I can’t change one person’s life, but together, we can help them do it.”

– Marcie


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