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Featuring What Is Possible by 2027

Getting Over The Hill

Sean Elliffe

In the digital age, staying competitive requires speed, responsiveness, and innovation, all key drivers of the SAP S/4HANA solution. The impending 2025 deadline, when SAP will end support for ECC6 and by which time all SAP customers should be on S/4HANA, has two possible journeys:

  1. The first and most sought after is that all current SAP customers oblige and migrate to S/4HANA (Public or Private Cloud hosted via SAP or On-Premise) sometime between now and 2025. A S/4HANA Cloud deployment means users take advantage of much of the on-premise S/4HANA’s functionality without needing the hardware, databases or IT staff required for the on-premise version with SAP providing almost everything for the customer. This differs from an on-premise approach where customers manage everything, including the S/4HANA database, applications, data centers, servers, virtualization, and networking.
  2. The second and probably the less traveled, is organizations refusing to migrate choosing rather stay on their existing SAP deployments for several reasons, not least of all, just not being ready to make that transition. This journey is one that many commentators will be watching carefully in the coming months.

As a trusted advisor and SAP Partner, we realize how important it is to ensure a smooth transition of operations in your business ERP system. Reveal has, as an organization, a unique multi-pronged strategy to support not only our clients but all SAP customers. In that strategy, the current state of your journey to S/4HANA is of little consequence, bar recognition of the need for a collaborative business intervention to scale into the new order. We focus on a comprehensive and holistic approach to help supply chain-driven companies realize sustainable financial, operational and service level benefits by leveraging their investment (current or future) in SAP capabilities, implementing best practices and changing behaviors. Our approach for 1) getting to the Hill, 2) getting over the Hill, 3) getting from the Hill to the new order and 4) getting ahead of the Hill position us to provide a unique range of support to drive successful deployment.The unique opportunities that Reveal offers those on the SAP journey of becoming a best-run business include supporting companies in:The unique opportunities that Reveal offers those on the SAP journey of becoming a best-run business include supporting companies in:

  1. Optimization of the supply chain in their existing ECC environment with an eye on what is required to successfully navigate the migration into S/4HANA, in future;
  2. Supporting current migrating businesses to make the right decisions in terms of business design and resulting configuration focus and then supporting optimization within the new order;
  3. Optimization of supply chains organizations post S/4HANA migration, especially for those who made the move without clearly executing optimization opportunities ahead of the change; and lastly
  4. Supporting strategic thinking for those new to S/4HANA in terms of learning from the pitfalls of others and laying out the right roadmap for successful deployment.

Reveal, as a global leader in supply chain optimization, is firmly positioned to drive its unique offering (oVo® Methodology) in the current and future SAP ERP environment and welcomes all ECC and S/4HANA users to join us in moving into the next generation of capabilities.

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