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Play Your Position

People, Process & SAP

Sandra Rubin

This is an old adage that I have believed in when dealing with complex situations. I leverage this as part of a team when we are working with a client, optimizing their Supply Chain.

Optimizing is about leveraging existing People, Process and Technology to their fullest capability/ability and to be successful everyone must “play their position”. Let’s take a minute and think about what this means.

Look at the game of baseball. No one really knows when the sport began, however, most would agree that the initial premise of the game had; rules (processes), opposing teams (people), tools to play the games and keep score (technology).

At the beginning, there was a rounder, and the rules/process was for the pitcher to throw the ball at the batter to get him out. For obvious reasons, this rule had to be modified. As one rule changed, the total game had to be re-assessed to accommodate the change and “optimize” the game. As time progressed, the rules of the game continued to evolve, the people playing the game matured and the technology improved all while everyone “plays their position”. Even though the majority of the team can throw a ball, there is a designated pitcher, the same rules apply to the role of the designated batter, specialized coaches, and of course the umpire to ensure the teams are playing their position.

So why do I think the game of baseball and “playing your position” correlates to successfully optimizing the supply chain? The teams that are most successful, have individuals that focus on their position to make the team as a whole successful, as we do when we play our positions and deliver the oVo® Methodology … akin to a team reaping the rewards of a championship!

The success of the baseball team is a combination of the individuals excelling at their individual role and their ability to contribute to the game as a whole. The coaches teach and mentor at all levels to enrich their abilities and maturity all while the umpire ensures that they are playing within the rules and guidelines.

This is mirrored by Reveal through the delivery of the oVo® Methodology. The Reveal team brings together a set of individual experts in Supply Chain, SAP® and Program Management that work cohesively together as a team to educate and transform the end-to-end Supply Chain value through a proven track record in the delivery of the oVo® Methodology.

Key to both and general in life is that the individuals MUST function as one, without ego, to achieve the desired outcome and/or solution. Reveal is a great team to be part of, we contribute individually, work together as a team, and live life with values that are core to each of us:

  • Personal Discipline
  • Accurate Self-Image
  • Positive Attitude
  • Principle Driven
  • Mission and Purpose
  • Integrated Life
  • Others Centered
  • Personal Transformation
  • Adaptability
  • Perseverance

Uncovering the potential of the supply chain is what we do. Improving lives is why we do it.

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