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oVo Lighthouse®: Not Just A KPI Collector

Rutul Thakkar

There's An Old Saying, “What Gets Measured, Gets Done.”

Lighthouse™ is a critical analytical solution specifically developed to complement the oVo® Methodology that Reveal uses as part of their approach toward Business Maturity®. These solution works run on the SAP Cloud Platform. There are a lot of analytical tools that organizations use, but many of them are used just to monitor and with little thought in what their supply chain they can change to improve their performance.

In Lighthouse® we track key inventory measures (average inventory, dead stock, slow-moving stock, etc.) and key health measures (red lights, exceptions, etc.) of an organization’s supply chain. During the oVo optimization program, we then educate organizations on how making changes that impact the KPIs we measure.

That really resonates with organization's to see how they set up their material master, to how they chose to resolve an exception in SAP impacts downstream supply chain and finally their inventory.Many of our clients continue to use Lighthouse® beyond the oVo Methodology to monitor the KPIs and optimize their materials.  We periodically provide updates to the tool so that it can be used in many different scenarios (for example, considering MRP areas for Red Lights and exception monitoring).

Evolution of Managing by Matrices

Long after going through our oVo® program, our clients use Lighthouse® to guide their organizations’ supply chains towards ongoing optimization and leading them to the next level of Business Maturity® Continuum.We find that Lighthouse™ works better than other analytical tools because it tracks specific KPIs that are directly tied to our oVo methodology and it shows the impact of actions taken in the supply chain quickly. The impact on KPIs is sometimes visible within days, up to a few weeks.  Lighthouse works because it is not just another KPI collector, but rather a responsive tool.To learn more about the benefits of oVo Lighthouse or how to maximize your SAP investment with Reveal visit our website and start by taking our self-assessment. Our approach is to assess the opportunity and then to transform the people, processes, and technologies that ensure a sustainable organization.

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