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Imagine: A Frictionless, Connected, Agile Supply Chain

Leverage the Intelligent Enterprise

Martin Rowan

It’s responsive, real-time, reliable, and predictable. It’s transparent, trustworthy, and integrated. The Intelligent Enterprise is just that, the ultimate data-driven organization, digitized through integrated systems and empowered to change paradigms. SAP defines the Intelligent Enterprise as one that leverages data assets to achieve desired outcomes faster and with less risk, by enabling employees through process automation, anticipating and proactively responding to customer needs, and enabling new business models and revenue streams. With the Intelligent Enterprise, access to data is faster and more insightful than ever, driving businesses better than previously possible.

We all know the disruptive reality of today. Whether to survive, to compete, or to create a new market, companies are changing their business models. An old industry air compressor equipment manufacturer now sells compressed air as a service. Adidas is transforming the supply chain by co-innovating with customers, enabling them to design their own shoes with a 24-hour turnaround time. As part of these business evolutions, these companies changed what they sell, who they sell too, and how. They changed their processes, their partnerships, and their people. In essence, their whole supply chain was transformed. And their competitive landscape has changed as well.

While existing companies are reinventing themselves, newcomers are coming along and reinventing industries and their respective supply chains. Tesla has transformed their ordering process by the ability to now purchase a car online, and thereby leverages demand-driven production. Their elimination of excess inventory keeps their production costs lower, their revenue - and allure - higher.

Yet all of this magic doesn’t happen simply by upgrading your software and adding smart technology. In order to turn data into information, and information into insights, and insights into action, it takes a broader organizational commitment. Is your organization prepared and mature enough to take on this challenge?

Shifting to the Intelligent Enterprise and digital supply chain is not the same process for everyone. Each company is unique, with its own set of challenges and assets. It is key for each organization on this journey to establish their level of Business Maturity. Organizations that are functioning at a higher level are poised to capitalize on the latest technologies, and prone to see real benefits from these new technological changes. Typically, organizations in lower levels of maturity who try to leap into being an Intelligent Enterprise find it extremely costly and risky, and with limited results.

Business Maturity isn’t a reflection of how established or successful a business is; rather, it reflects the organization’s ability to leverage its core SAP investment to meet and exceed its business goals.

How is your company leveraging the intelligent enterprise to disrupt your market?

To learn more on how to leverage your supply chain in this digital wave, read our white paper on “Is Your Supply Chain Organization Mature Enough to Leverage the Digital Supply Chain and the Intelligent Enterprise.

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